The difference between an experienced leader and a novice one
P.ISAYAS: when he addressed the people in millennium hall,
ክቡር የኢትዮጵያ ህዝብ…………..
ክቡር ዶክቶር ዐቢይ አህመድ አሊ
ለ ዶክቶር ዐቢይ ብልህ አመራሩና ትብዓአቱ ያለኝን ልባዊ ድጋፍና የድል ምኞት ደግሜ አረጋግጣለሁ…..
Isayas never said in his speech (either in Asmara or Addis Ababa): “አብይ” ወይም “እዚ ወዲ አይበለን ». He respected Dr. Abiy because he knew that respecting him was respecting the people behind him
Isayas never underestimates others in public or in private. In his wartime interview, I heard him saying “ Underestimating your enemy means, losing 50% of the war even before it has begun “Therefore, he is always cautious.
PM Dr. Abiy: when he addressed the people in millennium hall,
ከኢሳያስ ያላተረፍነው ነገር የለም። ሰብስቦናል
ወዲ አፎም፣ ኢሱ ፣ ኢሳያስ እንደ ነገረኝ የሰላምንና የነፃነት ዋጋ ከጤና ጋር ያወዳድረዋል
ከ ኢሱ or ወዲ አፎም፣ ጋር የምንካፈለው ደሞ አሰብን ይሆናል….።
የ ዶክቶር ዐቢይ ንግግር ክፋት ባይኖረዉም ፕሮቶኮል ያልጠበቀ ነበር። ፕሮቶኮል መጠበቅ ደሞ የሲቪላይዜሽን ምልክት ነው፤ በንግግር ሰው ሞቢላይዝ ማድረግ ይቻል ይሆናል፤ ነገር ግን አገር ማስተዳደር ደሞ ከዛ ያለፈ ጠለቅ ያለ እዉቀትና ልምድ ያስፈልገዋል። ብዙ ሰዎች እዉቀትን ከዲግረና ፤ ከዲፕሎም ጋር አያይዘው ያዩታል። ይህ ግን የተሳሳተ አመለካከት ነው። education has flaws, because of conspiracies, know that there is conspiracy in everything, check this book for some conspiracy theories:…
Well! Personally, I think Dr. Abiy is required to help himself and learn from P. Isayas. It is far better to address formally than informally. Any president is not merely a friend or a buddy. The president is an agent of his people. When you address to the president, you are addressing his people. Convincing him is like winning the people of his country, therefore it is necessary to give a little more attention.
Why ISAYAS went to Addis Ababa as quickly as possible? Why did he not wait until the situation calmed down?
There might be various replies; nevertheless one of the probable answers is, seizing the moment. One must grasp the fact that Isayas is a veteran president. He recognizes how to capture the enthusiasm, the vitality of excitations. Undeniably, grabbing undivided attention, and carrying out dramas.
It is possible to say that he hijacked the moment and managed to get the affection as well as the admiration of most Ethiopians. Whether they like him or otherwise, is not his concern, however at home and even in Ethiopia, this moment grants him another impetus to ensure that his subsequent objective would be employed effortlessly. Had not he seized the moment, he could not have even received TV coverage. That is certainly how skillful he is.
He waited until the visit of the Ethiopian Prime Minister to reveal on national TV, his residential home life style. This is a second example of winning an instance or grabbing a moment. The guy is always prudent; he understands how to turn off or on and make everything in his favor.